This software module was originally developed by
(contributing organizations names)
in the course of development of the MPEG-7 Experimentation Model.
This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-7
Experimentation Model tools as specified by the MPEG-7 Requirements.
ISO/IEC gives users of MPEG-7 free license to this software module or
modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming
conformance to MPEG-7.
Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products
are advised that its use may infringe existing patents. The original
developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent
editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this
software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
Copyright is not released for non MPEG-7 conforming products. The
organizations named above retain full right to use the code for their own
purpose, assign or donate the code to a third party and inhibit third parties
from using the code for non MPEG-7 conforming products.
Copyright (c) 1998-1999.
modified by authors to handle small pictures on Jan. 06, 2000.
modified by authors for compatibility with Visual C++ Compiler Jan.20, 2000
This notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.