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Dynamic Drive TOU
Dynamic Drive Terms of Use
  • Dynamic Drive
Dynamic Drive DHTML scripts- Terms of Use

Unless indicated otherwise by the credit, all scripts on this site are original
scripts written by the authors of Dynamic Drive, and are protected by both US
and international copyright laws. The below lists the terms of use users of
Dynamic Drive must agree to before using the programs/scripts (Last updated: May
22nd, 06):

1. Users may use any DHTML scripts offered for download on Dynamic Drive, free
of charge, on both personal and commercial web sites. This includes web
designers who wish to use our DHTML scripts in their paid web site projects.

2. You may modify our scripts to customize them based on your needs.

3. Users may NOT, however, redistribute or repost/ resell for download any DHTML
script found on Dynamic Drive. Redistribution is defined as re-offering our
scripts for download in any fashion, whether on a competing web site, an
application that generates code snippets, or a CD-ROM collection of
CSS/JavaScript codes etc. Some examples of what is acceptable and what is not


-Use our DHTML scripts on any personal or commercial web site to aid in its
functionality/ usability.

-As a web designer, use our DHTML scripts in your paid projects for your client
web sites.

-As a software developer, use our DHTML scripts within a application/ program as
part of its interface, such as a CSS menu being used as the program's navigation
interface. The program itself can be distributable.

In all cases above, the credit notice within the script must remain intact and

Not Acceptable:

-Put our DHTML scripts on another script library or webmaster type site for
others to download.

-Use our DHTML scripts in any type of service or application whereby our codes
are part of the product offerings themselves.

-Put our DHTML scripts in any other types of medium for direct redistribution,
such as a CD-ROM that consists of, but not limited to, webmaster codes and web

4. Users agree not to remove/ edit the credit notice within the DHTML source
code, or claim the code to be work of their own. What is the copyright notice?
It appears inside the <script> tag of each script, and looks something like

* Dynamic Countdown script- © Dynamic Drive (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit for this script and 100s more.

Sometimes you may wish to move the DHTML script to an external .js file. In such
instances, the credit notice must still be retained within the SCRIPT tags, in
the page's visible source:

<script src="countdown.js" type="text/javascript">
* Dynamic Countdown script- © Dynamic Drive (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit for this script and 100s more.

5. Users agree not to use scripts found on Dynamic Drive for illegal purposes,
or on pages containing illegal material.

6. Users agree not to hold Dynamic Drive liable for any damages resulted from
proper or improper use of any of the scripts found on Dynamic Drive. Use at your
own risk.

7. Users are not required to link back to Dynamic Drive to use our DHTML
scripts, as much as they are appreciated. :)

By using any of the scripts on Dynamic Drive, you understand that you have read
and agreed to the above usage terms. These terms will be strictly enforced, and
violators will face criminal charges. Don't say our lawyer didn't warn you!